How It Works
If you want to help local families stay in Hawai‘i, you can dedicate your current or future home to be occupied by local residents!
For Homeowners & Homebuyers
Homeowners can voluntarily participate by placing a deed restriction on their property that ensures the home will be occupied by a resident working in the state. The County will negotiate with the homeowner and pay fair market value for the deed restriction.
When purchasing a home, buyers can receive funds from the County in exchange for a deed restriction on the property. In places where this program exists already, like Vail, Colorado, homebuyers often use these funds to help with the down payment for a new home.

For the Community
The Kama‘āina Homes Program…
- Helps preserve Hawai‘i's communities by ensuring housing remains available for local working families.
- Creates a dedicated housing supply for local residents.
- Creates a secondary market for housing just for local residents, which will reduce the cost of housing over time.
- Makes housing available to local residents working for local employers.